2014 Expedition
Murchison District
The expedition departed Perth on June 28 to the Payne’s Find / Cue / Mt Magnet area and returned on July 12, 2014.
All projects were field completed on time and included:
Laser Scanning of the Payne's Find Gold Battery
Laser Scanning of Jokers Tunnel gold mine
Verifying the old existing ‘Forrest Trig’ geodetic network
Re-establishing a junction of Vermin Proof fences
Re-establishing cadastral boundaries scanning historic buildings at the old Big Bell town site
Re-establishing cadastral boundaries and geodetic connections at the old Austin town site
Scanning of Walga rock including a large section of Aboriginal rock-art
A commemorative sign was placed at Austin Townsite, alongside Great Northern Highway, showing cadastral details and historic information.
GPS check points, of a plaque in concrete just above ground level showing latitude and longitude, were placed at all significant points visited.
Project Management included daily logistics involving the 8 four wheel drive vehicles, trailers and survey and camping equipment. This year we had a full bush camp on Austin Downs Station for six nights introducing some additional challenges.
Two Curtin University media students accompanied the expedition, and produced a documentary.