Walga Rock Project
Walga Rock is the second largest monolith in Australia, 50km SW of Cue in Western Australia. It is approximately 5km around its base and 1.5km long. It has an extensive gallery of Aboriginal artwork, with a particular painting that appears to be of an old colonial-era steam ship with sails. Considering the site is 300+ km from the coast, the painting has generated much speculation as to its true origin.
To achieve a high quality 3D model of the rock face containing the Indigenous artwork, using both laser scanning and photogrammetric techniques.
Generate a 3D model of the entire Walga Rock using the UAV data.
Through data fusion, incorporate all models together to provide a more comprehensive model.
Research aspect: perform spectral analysis of data gathered from different laser scanners. Results could highlight common aspects between scanners of different wavelengths, but more importantly different spectrums or combinations may reveal data about the rock art not immediately visible. One potential uses is analysis of old heritage sites to reveal information hidden below surface layer. Has potential for plenty of future research.
Establish control by bringing in minimum of 2 baselines from nearby survey marks
Establish local control network around rock face near art and surrounding the whole rock
Perform laser scanning of rock art and image capturing
Establish control around rock using RTK and place UAV targets
Perform UAV flyover
Bjorn Skoog